Finance and Budget Agenda Packet- November 10, 2014
1. Call to Order.
2. Adoption of Agenda.
3. Financial Report. County Treasurer Roger Haney and Comptroller Cheryl Bolinger will update the Committee on the monthly financial report.
4. Request for an Appropriation $95,513 from the General Fund to the Quorum Court Budget for 2014.
5. Presentation by Arvest Bank on Short Term Financing Options- Bryn Bagwell, Sr. Vice President/Area Loan Manager.
6. An Ordinance Levying the County, Municipal and School District Taxes for the Year 2014. The Quorum Court is required to levy the county, municipal, and school taxes for the current year at its regular meeting in November of each year.
7. Discussion on Washington County Compensation for Employees and Elected Officials for 2015.
8. Budget Finalization
9. Other Business. Any other business to be discussed by the Committee will be brought up at this time.
10. Citizen Comments.
11. Adjournment.