During the COVID-19 pandemic, this meeting will be held virtually for Personnel Committee members and for members of the public who wish to participate. These meetings will be held via ZOOM.
For an explanation from Technology Director Sidney Reynolds, regarding how the Zoom meeting will be conducted, Click Here.
All Quorum Court members will be participating in the meeting remotely through Zoom.
Public Access to Meetings
Virtual Access to the Meeting:
Meetings are live-streamed on the County’s YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/washcoar
Register in advance for this webinar: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_UL6nrybgQO6d2uhIJgAmJg
Please note: This registration link is for all meetings for the evening. Thank you.
Or join by phone Dial :
+1 646 518 9805
+1 651 372 8299
+1 786 635 1003
+1 929 436 2866
+1 267 831 0333
Webinar ID: 868 3950 3322
Responsibility: Review and make recommendations regarding the development of a comprehensive human resource system for Washington County. This includes salary levels, policies, affirmative action review, employees insurance, fringe benefits, and travel policies.
Members are: Robert Dennis, Lisa Ecke, Willie Leming, Shannon Marti, Butch Pond, Evelyn Stafford, and Shawndra Washington.
JP Lisa Ecke - Chair
JP Butch Pond - Vice-Chair