Washington County, AR
Home MenuParents / Guardians
Communication of Care / Comunicación de Atención
Upon intake of Youth into the facility, Parent/Guardians will be asked to complete an intake packet so that we will have the information needed to best care for your child. Parents/Guardians are encouraged to be thorough in completing this packet.
For frequently asked questions and expectations regarding the legal process, please review the Washington County Juvenile Court, Division 3 and Division 8.
Al recibir a los jóvenes en la instalación, se les pedirá a los padres / tutores que completen un paquete de admisión para que tengamos la información necesaria para cuidar mejor a su hijo. Se anima a los padres / tutores a ser minuciosos al completar este paquete.
Para preguntas frecuentes y expectativas con respecto al proceso legal, revise las páginas del Tribunal de Menores del Condado de Washington, Division 3 and Division 8.
*JDC protocols may be altered due to Covid Pandemic
*Los protocolos de JDC pueden verse alterados debido a la pandemia de Covid
Parent HANDBOOK | Manual para padres |
Parent / Guardian Handbook PDF
Manual Para Padres PDF |
Please refrain from giving your son or daughter "bad news" while they are detained, as this contributes to a deterioration in functioning while in JDC.
If you have information that your son or daughter must know before they are released from JDC, please call the Social Work department at (479) 444-1670 ext 7.
Absténgase de darle a su hijo o hija "malas noticias" mientras están detenidos, ya que esto contribuye a un deterioro del funcionamiento mientras se encuentra en JDC.
Si tiene información que su hijo o hija debe saber antes de ser liberado de JDC, llame al departamento de Trabajo Social al (479) 444-1670 ext 7.
Resident Rule Sheets / Hojas de Reglas para Residentes
Visitation (Offered via teleconferencing)
All visitors must have a valid photo ID to enter the detention center. The only personal items allowed into the facility are identification and car keys - please leave all bags, purses, and phones in your car.
During the first 24 hours
Parents or guardians are allowed a 30 minute visit within 24 hours of your child's intake to our facility. You will be asked to complete an intake packet so we can have the information needed to provide the best care for your child.
Before sentencing
Visitation is allowed by appointment only on Saturdays from 9:00am to 10:30am and 2:00pm to 3:30pm for pre-adjudicated residents (pre-sentencing).
After sentencing or FINS
Visitation is allowed by appointment only on Sundays from 9:00am to 10:30am and 2:00pm to 3:30pm for FINS or adjudicated residents (after-sentencing).
Important visitation information
- Visitation sessions are limited to 30 minutes
- Appointments must be made in advance by calling (479) 444-1670 x 6, Monday - Friday 8:00am - 5:00pm.
- Children under 18 may not visit the detention center
- Only parents or guardians are permitted to visit unless a Special Request form is completed by the resident and approved by the JDC director
- Clergy, mental health professionals, and other professionals may call (479) 444-1670 x 6 to schedule visitation during normal business hours
- Parents and guardians may request alternative visitation under special circumstances (work, travel, emergencies), as approved by the JDC director - (479) 444-1670 x 3
- Additional holiday visitation for New Year's, July 4th, Thanksgiving, and Christmas can be requested by calling (479) 444-1670 x 6.
Phone Calls
Youth may call approved numbers during the scheduled phone times in the evenings. All youth are permitted to make one phone call daily.
Los jóvenes pueden llamar a los números aprobados durante los horarios telefónicos programados por las noches. Todos los jóvenes pueden hacer una llamada telefónica al día.
- Phone calls are free for youth / Las llamadas telefónicas son gratuitas para los jóvenes.
- Numbers must be approved and programmed to call / Los números deben estar aprobados y programados para llamar
- Typically only Parents or Guardians are called / Por lo general, solo se llama a los padres o tutores
- Youth may have phone calls with their attorney, clinical professionals, or other approved professionals providing services during regular business hours that do not count toward their daily phone call. / Los jóvenes pueden tener llamadas telefónicas con su abogado, profesionales clínicos u otros profesionales aprobados que brinden servicios durante el horario comercial regular que no cuentan para su llamada telefónica diaria.
If you would like your clergy to visit your child, please contact JDC staff at 479 444-1670 ext 6 to make arrangements.
Se ofrecen servicios y compañerismo sin denominación todos los domingos. Si desea que su pastor visite a su hijo, comuníquese con el personal de JDC al 479 444-1670 ext 6 para hacer los arreglos.
Residents are able to type letters twice a week on Tuesdays and Fridays. E-mails from parents/guardians are delivered on these days as well. Only parents or guardians are allowed to email a resident at JDC.
Los residentes pueden escribir cartas dos veces por semana, los martes y viernes. Los correos electrónicos de los padres/tutores también se entregan esos días. Sólo los padres o tutores pueden enviar correos electrónicos a un residente de JDC.
Articles of clothing may not be brought for Residents. All necessary clothing and hygiene items are provided by the Detention Center.
No se pueden traer prendas de vestir para los Residentes. Toda la ropa y artículos de higiene necesarios son proporcionados por el Centro de Detención.
Commissary privileges are not extended to detained Youth. All clothing, nutritional and snack necessities are provided by the Detention Center.
Los privilegios del comisario no se extienden a los jóvenes detenidos. Todas las necesidades de ropa, nutrición y refrigerios son provistas por el Centro de Detención.
Bring your child's prescription medications to the detention center as soon as possible. Medications are accepted 24 hours a day.
Lleve los medicamentos recetados de su hijo al centro de detención lo antes posible. Se aceptan medicamentos las 24 horas.
Medications must:
- Be in the original prescription bottle / Estar en el frasco de prescripción original
- Be prescribed to the Youth / Ser prescrito a la Juventud
- Have the original label with directions for administration / Tener la etiqueta original con las instrucciones de administración
- Have the prescribing physician's name and contact number for verification / Tener el nombre del médico que prescribe y el número de contacto para la verificación
- Not be "over the counter," unless prescribed by a doctor with proper documentation / No ser "de venta libre", a menos que lo recete un médico con la documentación adecuada